version 2 Source: Xpole,Ypole,Xrt,Yrt,LOD: weighted average of centres; UT1-UTC: integrated from the 5th day prior to Bull. A last non-predicted value. Orbits: to be used with the IGS Final Orbits MJD Xpole Ypole UT1-UTC LOD Xsig Ysig UTsig LODsig Nr Nf Nt Xrt Yrt Xrtsig Yrtsig (10**-6") (0.1 usec) (10**-6") (0.1 usec) (10**-6"/d) (10**-6"/d) 51552.50 43662 375720 3508053 5577 62 26 255 123 0 0 0 -271 -435 50 125 51553.50 43530 375244 3501955 6719 69 26 233 92 0 0 0 101 -660 74 92 51554.50 43887 374903 3494354 8234 89 24 156 94 0 0 0 480 -247 92 99 51555.50 44536 374933 3485193 9831 97 35 171 105 0 0 0 868 30 58 141 51556.50 45762 374931 3474543 11346 89 42 172 105 0 0 0 1438 -215 104 151 51557.50 47105 375043 3463182 11802 62 36 205 22 0 0 0 1044 121 74 123 51558.50 48055 375012 3451249 12057 69 67 305 38 0 0 0 768 -199 80 150