version 2 Source: Xpole,Ypole,Xrt,Yrt,LOD: weighted average of centres; UT1-UTC: integrated from the 5th day prior to Bull. A last non-predicted value. Orbits: to be used with the IGS Rapid Orbits (IGR) MJD Xpole Ypole UT1-UTC LOD Xsig Ysig UTsig LODsig Nr Nf Nt Xrt Yrt Xrtsig Yrtsig (10**-6") (0.1 usec) (10**-6") (0.1 usec) (10**-6"/d) (10**-6"/d) 51830.50 -25134 257351 1666365 12591 40 66 187 167 0 0 0 -1728 1401 171 154