version 2 Source: Xpole,Ypole,Xrt,Yrt,LOD: weighted average of centres; UT1-UTC: integrated from the 5th day prior to Bull. A last non-predicted value. Orbits: to be used with the IGS Final Orbits MJD Xpole Ypole UT1-UTC LOD Xsig Ysig UTsig LODsig Nr Nf Nt Xrt Yrt Xrtsig Yrtsig (10**-6") (0.1 usec) (10**-6") (0.1 usec) (10**-6"/d) (10**-6"/d) 53204.50 37201 521046 -4585727 -7540 27 14 55 72 0 0 0 2971 -102 32 42 53205.50 39992 520866 -4579292 -5616 34 19 45 35 0 0 0 2771 -369 26 39 53206.50 42561 520594 -4574867 -3352 24 22 43 32 0 0 0 2417 -363 25 61 53207.50 45375 520222 -4572498 -1165 18 18 43 32 0 0 0 3141 -501 31 53 53208.50 48488 519846 -4571946 155 15 15 42 26 0 0 0 3042 -439 42 71 53209.50 51502 519549 -4572543 699 19 12 40 21 0 0 0 2990 -364 36 45 53210.50 54508 519315 -4573366 499 15 19 82 27 0 0 0 3010 -238 46 70