BKG Professional NtripCaster Version 2.0.x Operations Manual
1. Versions
The BKG Professional NtripCaster is meant for service providers handling several hundred incoming streams
in support of thousand or more simultaneously listening clients. The BKG Professional NtripCaster software
follows NTRIP Version 2. The main advantages
over NTRIP Version 1.0 include:
Full HTTP compatibility, cleared and fixed design problems and protocol violations
Replaced non standard directives
Adds chunked transfer encoding
Improves header records
Provides for sourcetable filtering
Optional support of RTSP/RTP and UDP
2. Installation instructions
Here is what you need to do to get the software up and running:
Copy it somewhere into an empty directory, run bunzip2 ntripcaster-version.tar.bz2
and tar xfv ntripcaster-version.tar
for un-compression.
Run ./configure (if you do not want the server to be installed in
specify the desired path with ./configure --prefix=<path>)
Run make
Run make install
After that, the server files will be installed. Binaries will be in /usr/sbin and /usr/bin,
configuration files in /etc/ntripcaster, logs in /var/log/ntripcaster and html templates
in /usr/local/ntripcaster/templates.
Go to the configuration directory and copy clientmounts.aut.dist, sourcemounts.aut.dist,
users.aut.dist, groups.aut.dist, sourcetable.dat.dist and ntripcaster.conf.dist
to clientmounts.aut,
users.aut, groups.aut, sourcetable.dat and ntripcaster.conf. Change the
of these files according to your needs.
If you need detailed information about the program's setup and operation, have a look into files README and
INSTALL as well.
For any other technical questions please contact igs-ip@bkg.bund.de.
3. Start and stop of NtripCaster
The recommended home directory for NtripCaster installation is /usr/local/ntripcaster. Below this home
directory the sub-directories bin, conf, log, templates and var can be
Sub-directory bin contains the:
NtripCaster executable ntripdaemon
shell script casterwatch to continuously watch the ntripdaemon process
start-script ntripcaster
You can start the NtripCaster using the command ./ntripcaster start. You can
restart the NtripCaster using the command ./ntripcaster restart. You can stop the
NtripCaster using the command ./ntripcaster stop.
Note that casterwatch should never crash. In case ntripdaemon crashes or is shut down for
re-configuration reasons, casterwatch shall restart it within a few seconds.
4. The NtripCaster Web Interface
The NtripCaster’s home page is http://NtripCasterIP:Port/home.
The NtripCaster’s Administrator’s Web Interface is located at http://NtripCasterIP:Port/admin. Note that
access to the Admin Web Interface is password protected. If port 80 is used, make sure that no other web
servers are running on port 80 on the same machine.
Sub-directory templates contain templates for the Admin Web Interface http://NtripCasterIP:Port/admin
as well as the NtripCaster’s home page http://NtripCasterIP:Port/home.
5. Main NtripCaster configuration file
The essential parameters for running the NtripCaster are defined in ntripcaster.conf under sub-directory
conf. Most of the parameters are self-explanatory. Note that neither ntripcaster.conf nor any
other configuration file of the NtripCaster should be edited on a MS Windows system because this adds an extra
‘carriage return’ at the end of each record that may cause a problem.
The encoder_password is a generic password valid only for stream upload through
NtripServer programs that follow the NTRIP Version 1.0 standard for the communication with the NtripCaster.
For security reasons, however, we do not recommend using this generic password and instead recommend an identical procedure as for NTRIP Version 2.0 and to regulate the assignment of rights in the sourcecemounts.aut file.
The admin_password and oper_password are passwords for
administrating and operating the NtripCaster through a Telnet session.
The NtripCaster comes with an integrated NtripClient that lets you pull streams from other NtripCasters.
Explanation: A stream coming from mountpoint PADO0 on the remote NtripCaster is
pulled using the user ID user and the password pass and made available on the local NtripCaster on
mountpoint PADO1.
You might prefer to pull a stream directly from an IP address and port without using the NTRIP protocol.
If this is the case, use the following command line in ntripcaster.conf:
relay pull –m /SYDN0
Explanation: A stream from is pulled and made available on the local NtripCaster installation through
The integrated NtripClient is using Ntrip version 1.0 protocol for communication and data transfer. For
Ntrip version 2.0 usage please add "-2" as option.
Add the flag "-s" if the relay should use the TLS protocol. Setting this flag auto-enables the use of
Ntrip version 2. If your certifcates are not in the system default directory, a custom directory can
be set at compilation, see configure --help.
The directory must contain certificates in openssl directory format, see e.g. https://www.openssl.org/docs/man1.1.0/apps/c_rehash.html. See also Appendix TLS - Hints and Tips
You can specify a HTTP proxy with the parameter "-p host:port" (usually only for Ntrip version 2). This
could be useful if your caster is running behind a firewall.
Alias mountpoints may be used to mount streams from the same server with a different mountpoint name,
alias /FFMJ1 /FFMJ00DEU0
where FFMJ1 is the alias. Note that the alias
mountpoints are neither visible in the sourcetable nor via web interface (sources or listeners), but
can be seen in the casters log file ntripcaster-yymmdd.log. They can be used to smooth the
renaming of mountpoints, e.g. for introducing the long RINEX3 mountpoint names, where the old mountpoint
names should be kept for a while.
You may want to configure more than one communication port for the NtripCaster. Because of problems clients
may experience with proxy servers in front of their application, it is recommended to use ports 80 and
Usually, there is one of those not blocked by proxies. Please note, using port 80 typically requires the
program to be started by root.
port 80 port 2101
Parameter logfiledebuglevel defines the amount of details in the output saved in
the daily log files. Note that log files may become huge if this parameter is not set to 0.
Parameter acl_policy may be used to a) either deny access to the NtripCaster from
any specific IP address or network of IP addresses or b) to only allow access from defined IP addresses.
This may be of interest when the NtripCaster is experiencing a hacker attack from a spefific IP or IP
Once this parameter is set to acl_policy 1, you may create a list of IPs that
will be denied. For example:
deny all 11.22.333.44 deny all 111.222.*.*
All other IPs will have access in this example.
Vice versa, if set to acl_policy 0, only IPs from your list have access.
allow all 141.74.*.*
Do not forget to add your own IP in this case! No other IPs will have access in this example.
Parameter read_timeout defines the time span after which the caster terminates
the connection if no data arrives. This parameter is set to 16 seconds by default, which in our experience
is a reasonable value. In order to set the parameter to 30 seconds, for example, add the following line to
file ntripcaster.conf:
read_timeout 30
6. Client authentication/authorization
The NtripClient authorization is configured through the files users.aut, groups.aut and
clientmounts.aut under sub-directory conf.
Each record in users.aut is dedicated to one user of the system. This record defines his/her user
ID and password. Users not listed in users.aut do not have access to protected streams.
Selections of users are then put together to form groups. Each record in groups.aut defines one
group. To keep the caster usage under control it is possible to
specify a maximum number of streams which can be pulled simultaneously by all group members and/or
specify a maximum number of streams which can be pulled from a certain client IP address.
For (a) you would have to add an integer number at the end of a record in groups.aut. This
integer number defines the maximum number of simultaneously listening clients from that group. Any
additional client from that specific group denies access. No integer at the end of a record allows an
unlimited number of simultaneously listening clients for that group.
For (b) the parameter specification max_ip_connections in
ntripcaster.conf can be overruled by adding string “ip<n>” at the end of a record in
groups.out, In this case <n> defines the maximum number of clients listening at a specific
client IP address.
Following, we give examples for the three possible configuration record setups in groups.aut.
Please, note here we suppose a max_ip_connections 5 configuration option in
Example-1: unavco:Anderson,stuerze User group “unavco” (with members
“Anderson” and “stuerze”) can pull simultaneously an unlimited number of streams from any client
IP address.
bkg:soehne,stuerze:10 User group “bkg” (with members “soehne” and
“stuerze”) can pull a maximum number of 10 streams simultaneously. However, the group could only
pull a maximum number of 5 streams from the same client IP address, since the max_ip_connections option is set to be 5 (cf. above).
Example-3: gYan:Yan:ip3 User group “gYan” (with the only member
“Yan”) has access to an unlimited number of streams but can only pull 3 streams from the same client
IP address.
The file clientmounts.aut defines access of groups to specific mountpoints. Mountpoint strings in
the file are preceded by a slash. Each mountpoint is accessible only to members of those groups listed
after the mountpoint identifier followed by a colon. There is a need to give at least one group for each
mountpoint. A mountpoint that does not show up in clientmounts.aut remains unprotected.
/SYDNEY:bkg,gYan /FFMJ0:unavco
There is also a special entry that we strongly recommend to use for security reasons. In a line starting with
default: (without slash) groups can be entered which are allowed to pull data streams for which there is no(!) entry in clientmounts.aut.
If this line is missing and a mountpoint does not receive an entry in clientmounts.aut, this data stream would be freely available to everyone.
There are two pre-defined admin-mountpoints named "admin" and "oper" in clientmounts.aut which do
not control access to mountpoints for streams but let you list groups whose members are enabled to carry
out administrative and operational tasks. These admin-mountpoints are defined as
and thus mention FirstAdmin, SecondAdmin, and/or NTRIPAdmin as authorized groups to carry out
administrative/operational tasks. Note that you need to have operator rights to execute all commands
available for the NtripCaster operation because administrator rights are limited to a subset of
administration commands.
A taxi company in Sydney wants to enable each of its 100 drivers to receive a specific DGPS corrections stream
through individual accounts. Since no more than 30 drivers are ever on duty at the same time, the company
applied (and most likely paid) for access rights for a maximum of 30 concurrent clients only.
In users.aut we need to configure 100 user accounts:
In groups.aut we then create a group company, listing all the 100 users but putting a limit of 30
concurrent users
In clientmounts.aut we then allow the group company to access the DGPS corrections stream from
mountpoint SYDNEY
7. Server authentication/authorization
An NtripServer intending to occupy an existing mountpoint using the new NTRIP Version 2.0 protocol must
have an account in users.aut defined as a member of a group of accounts in groups.aut which is
authorized to use that mountpoint through a valid entry in sourcemounts.aut.
An NtripServer intending to occupy an existing mountpoint via NTRIP Version 1.0 must use either the generic
as defined in ntripcaster.conf or the password of a user who is a member of a group authorized by a valid entry in sourcemounts.aut.
For security reasons, we recommend to enter an
in ntripcaster.conf that is difficult to decrypt and that you do not pass it on.
Instead, we recommend that NTRIP Version 1.0 uploads should also be defined via explicitly entered user accounts, similar to NTRIP Version 2.0.
Please note: If no encoder_password is entered in ntripcaster.conf, the default password
, which is defined in the source code in the ntripcaster.h file, takes effect.
In users.aut we may have registered "provider1" (user ID) with password "password1" through:
In groups.aut we may then configure provider1 as a member of group gupload through:
In sourcemounts.aut we may then allow the members of group gupload to upload a stream to mountpoint
SYDNEY through:
In order to prevent an unauthorized upload to a not defined mountpoint, the keyword default may be used.
In this example, group1 is allowed to upload data streams to any undefined mountpoints.
Vice versa, no other group will be allowed to do that.
Please note, that unlike all other mountpoint entries in sourcemounts.aut, this option start without a slash "\".
We recommend to always set the default-parameter for security reasons.
8. Administration through Web Interface
The NtripCaster knows administrator and operator groups whose members perform administrative and operational
duties and responsibilities through the Admin Web Interface http://NtripCasterIP:Port/admin.
These groups are defined in groups.aut and receive their specific responsibility through the "admin" and
"oper" admin-mountpoints in clientmounts.aut. The groups may be named FirstAdmin, SecondAdmin, and
Users from users.aut that are defined as a member of the FirstAdmin group or the SecondAdmin group
in groups.aut through
FirstAdmin:Yan SecondAdmin:soehne
have unlimited rights on the
NtripCaster administration through the Admin Web Interface if these groups are part of the admin-mountpoint
oper in clientmounts.aut.
Users from users.aut that are defined as a member of the NTRIPAdmin group in groups.aut
have limited rights concerning the NtripCaster
administration through the Admin Web Interface if this group is only part of the admin-mountpoint admin in
clientmounts.aut. They may use any Admin Web Interface command with the exception of command http://NtripCasterIP:Port/admin?mode=set.
Some basic monitoring and administration tasks can be accomplished through the various menus of the
web interface:
home: The homepage
statistics: Some statistical information like total number of sources and listeners, total running
time of caster software, et al.
To facilitate the tasks of monitoring, visualisation and alerting, the caster exposes metrics in the
text-based Prometheus
format, accessible at the /admin?mode=stats&argument=prom&nohtml=1 HTTP
endpoint. The exposed metrics can be collected by a Prometheus instance directly or with one of various scrapers (e.g. Telegraf, Fluent Bit) at regular intervals, then written to a
Time Series Database like InfluxDB.
Grafana helps you to visualize your metrics
and to create and share beautiful dashboards. It offers alerting on top.
sourcetable: View the content of sourcetable.dat. Active data streams are displayed in black,
missing in red.
listeners: Overview of currently active users with details of host/IP, username, mountpoint name,
Id, total time of connect, bytes written, errors, client software used, connection type
sources: Overview of currently active sources with details of mountpoint name, Id, host, source
agent, date of connect, IP, number of active client connections, kbytes read/written, total number of client
connections, total time of connect
connections: Lists all active connections (sources and listeners), gives the possibility to get rid
of some listeners or sources. Clicking on the Id immediately starts the kick command and stops the
admins: Lists all currently connected admins
settings: Lists several parameters from file ntripcaster.conf.
9. Administration through Telnet
The NtripCaster can also be administrated/operated via telnet. However, we always recommend an administration via
the Web Interface for security reason. If you still want to start a telnet session to the NtripCaster, use a command
window and enter the following two commands:
telnet NtripCasterIP 2101 ADMIN [admin_password]
where 2101 stands for the
NtripCaster’s listening port and admin_password is taken from ntripcaster.conf. Then press Enter twice.
Starting from NtripCaster 2.0.36, only about 4 seconds remain for entering the admin password before the
software closes the connection.
You may now use any of the administration/operation commands described in Commands used with
telnet: help, admins, alias, allow, auth, deny, kick, list, listeners, oper, quit, rehash, relay, set,
sources, stats, tail, tell, uptime
The execution of some of these commands requires operator rights. To become an operator, use the "oper" command:
oper oper_password. Note that neither the admin_password nor the
oper_password has anything to do with the passwords listed in users.aut. These two passwords are
defined in ntripcaster.conf.
Note further that none of the configuration changes made through the Telnet admin commands are permanent! As
soon as the NtripCaster is restarted, the contents of the basic configuration files becomes active again.
10. The Sourcetable
The NtripCaster’s sourcetable is defined in the file sourcetable.dat under sub-directory conf. Note that the
NtripCaster delivers a so-called dynamic Sourcetable to NtripClients on their request. This dynamic Sourcetable is
generated from sourcetable.dat but comprises only those streams/mountpoints that are available for the
NtripCaster at the time when the request is received. Streams that have an outage will not show up.
The Sourcetable of igs-ip.net is an example
for a complete Sourcetable setup.
Although not mandatory it is recommended to define Sourcetable records of type "NET" and "CAS" in addition
to the record type "STR".
One NET-record should be defined for each network listed in data field number 8 of the STR records.
Note that – although not explicitly defined in the NTRIP Version 1.0 standard - data field number
7 of a NET-record should contain an HTTP link to a RINEX skeleton files directory for the
corresponding STR records.
One CAS-record should describe the operating NtripCaster installation. In addition it is
recommended to include at least another CAS-record for the NtripCaster http://rtcm-ntrip.org/home.
Data field number 16 of the STR-records carries information concerning stream protection. Note that this
is meant only as an information for NtripClients downloading the Sourcetable. The stream protection
mechanism of the NtripCaster is based solely on the information in clientmounts.aut. So, even if data
field number 16 of an STR-record in the Sourcetable describes that a stream is unprotected, it remains
protected for the system if defined as such in clientmounts.aut and vice-versa.
Only streams/mountpoints listed in sourcetable.dat are visible and thus accessible for an ordinary
NtripClient. However, the NtripCaster will accept any stream coming from an NtripServer (if properly
authorized for stream upload), even if it is not configured in sourcetable.dat and
clientmounts.aut. An unregistered stream/mountpoint is visible only through the Admin Web Interface
command http://NtripCasterIP:Port/admin?mode=sources.
Such stream is not part of the dynamic Sourcetable delivered on NtripClient’s request, and is only
accessible to users who are aware of its existence/mountpoint. If an unregistered mountpoint is used for
stream upload by mistake, the provider of such a stream should be informed that he is using an incorrect
mountpoint string and hence should cease the upload.
File sourcetable.dat shall not contain a last record: "ENDSOURCETABLE"
11. Changes in NtripCaster configuration
Permanent configuration changes must be made in the configuration files ntripcaster.conf, users.aut,
groups.aut, clientmounts.aut,
sourcemounts.aut, and sourcetable.dat. They become active through Admin Web Interface commands.
Command http://NtripCasterIP:Port/admin?mode=rehash
activates additions to ntripcaster.conf, users.aut, groups.aut, clientmounts.aut,
sourcemounts.aut, and sourcetable.dat. Note that the NtripCaster process is kept alive during
that procedure. Because of this re-configuration on-the-fly, incoming and outgoing streams remain
Command http://NtripCasterIP:Port/admin?mode=resync
causes a shut-down and restart of the NtripCaster executable and thus activates changes as well as
additions to ntripcaster.conf, users.aut, groups.aut, clientmounts.aut,
sourcemounts.aut, and sourcetable.dat.
Note that all incoming and outgoing streams are disconnected through that procedure for a short time
(usually for 20 seconds up to one minute).
12. Log files
Daily log files are saved under sub-directory logs. The NtripCaster maintains three types of log files: access-yymmdd.log, ntripcaster-yymmdd.log and usage-yymmdd.log.
Note that files of type access-yymmdd.log follow the CSV format. You may like to upload these files to
an external archive and by that rename its suffix to *.csv for read compatibility with the MS Excel program.
The contents of these files may become the base for an accounting system.
The NtripCaster does not delete these daily log files. Check the disk space from time to time and delete them
manually when necessary. Note that the size of the log files may become very large depending on parameter logfiledebuglevel defined in ntripcaster.conf.
13. Security aspects
The recommended home directory for NtripCaster installation is /usr/local/ntripcaster. This implicitly
requires running the NtripCaster software as root. However for security reasons it could be of interest to run the
NtripCaster software as a normal user. If you want to do so, you have to take into account that a user application
cannot open ports <=1024. In order to allow the caster software to use port 80 although running it as a normal
user, the following steps may have to be executed by your system administrator:
Increase the number of open files: /etc/security/limits.conf:
soft nofile 4096
hard nofile 10240
Redirect port 80 to port xxxx (with xxxx being 1080 in the following example):
Filter Rule: iptables -t filter -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp
--dport 1080 -j ACCEPT
(Note that "RH-Firewall-1-INPUT" stands for the name of the chain, such as for Red Hat)
After that, in the NtripCaster configuration file ntripcaster.conf the port entry has to be changed from
port 80 to xxxx (with xxxx being 1080 in this example). The NtripCaster software can now be started using a normal
user account. After all, the NtripCaster would still be available through port 80.
14. Communication via SSL/TLS
The NtripCaster has no built-in support for TLS encryption but there exist several tools to
add this functionality in form of a proxy server. One of them is stunnel.
The Apache HTTP Server offers this functionality as well
but comes with a more complicated installation and configuration. This section has kindly been provided by Wim
Aerts, Royal Observatory of Belgium. It guides you through setting up an Apache 2 HTTP Server instance to add
SSL/TLS to your NtripCaster. It only deals with getting things to work, not with securing issues. For that the
reader is referred to https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/index.html and relevant documents on that website.
Take the following steps:
Find out on what port your NtripCaster is listening, e.g. at port 2101.
Select a port that you would like to use to offer a secure SSL access to your NtripCaster, e.g. port 443.
Configure Apache 2 HTTP Server to also listen on the port you selected in step 2. This is done by adding
a statement 'Listen 443' to your global Apache 2 HTTP Server configuration file. On Ubuntu systems this
should be added to file /etc/apache2/ports.conf.
Set up a new virtual host that will take care of the SSL and proxy to the NtripCaster. This is done by
adding the following code. Please specify the correct file location for your certificate and key file.
<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
<VirtualHost _default_:443>
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPass / http://localhost:2101/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:2101/
SSLEngine On
SSLProtocol -all +SSLv3 +TLSv1
SSLCipherSuite TLSv1+HIGH:!SSLv2:!aNULL:!eNULL:
SSLOptions +StrictRequire
SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/...
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/...
<Directory />
Allow from all
This should go somewhere in the Apache 2 HTTP Server configuration file(s). On Ubuntu it is placed in
a separate file, e.g.: /etc/apache2/sites-available/mysite. Command a2ensite
mysite will then 'enable' this 'available' site.
Make sure that the Apache 2 HTTP Server is configured to load all the modules needed to do what you desire.
You need at least modues mod_mime, mod_proxy, mod_proxy_http and mod_ssl.
Start or restart the Apache 2 HTTP Server deamon. On Ubuntu this can be done through /etc/init.d/apache2 restart. Check the error log files.
Put on the URL bar https://ip_of_your_NtripCaster:443 in your browser to check the connection. You
should see the sourcetable now.
If the test at step 7 fails, check firewalls.
Note that SSL support makes only sense for NTRIP Version 2. Stream transport through SSL and NTRIP Version 1 would
have a problem because it is not fully HTTP compatible. Also note that username and password are base64 encoded
if Ntrip Version 2 is used!
15. LDAP
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is a communication protocol for data exchange within a computer
network that allows the request and modification of information provided by a directory service. Because LDAP is
based on the client server principle it describes the communication between LDAP client and directory server.
From such a directory that is realized as hierarchical database object-related data can be selected.
For data privacy reasons LDAP functionality is implemented for user authentication. Currently only simple LDAP
access is supported. In case of LDAP usage usernames need to be added in normal configuration as well instead
(e.g. simply add * as password in users.aut file), but for password checks LDAP is used: The NTRIP
Caster, acting as LDAP client, formulates a request containing user name and password mentioned within the NTRIP
client/server request and gets the answer “success” in case of congruence or “failure” otherwise from the LDAP
server. LDAP authentication is normally disabled. It gets enabled when an LDAP server is specified in
Furthermore, the settings ldap_uid and ldap_people_context
in ntripcaster.conf are required for the LDAP request formulation:
ldap_uid_prefix uid ldap_people_context ou=people
The bind call is done
with '{prefix}={user},{context}'.
Commands used with telnet
The alias command is used for two things: It can be used to add an alias for a local mountpoint so that a
stream can be accessed from two mountpoints. Or it can be used to add an alias for a remote NtripCaster stream.
alias add <mountpoint> <newmountpoint>
alias del <mountpoint>
alias list
allow and deny
This adds a hostmask to an internal access lists (acl). It specifies that this hostmask should allow or deny
access. A type for this acl can be specified, which can be either all, client, source or admin. It only has affect
on the specified connection type. Syntax:
allow|deny <client|source|admin|all> add <hostmask>
allow|deny <client|source|admin|all> del <hostmask>
allow|deny <client|source|admin|all> list
allow client add *.se
allow all del *.netcom.com
deny admin add *.se
deny admin del ap.*.com
allow admin list
The admins command is used to list the admins connected to the server. It will display one admin connection
per line, like:
Admin 341 <d66.ryd.student.liu.se> connected for 1 hours, 8 minutes and 14 seconds. 0 commands issued
A host-mask as an argument can be supplied, and only the admins who match the mask, will be shown.
admins <hostmask>
admins *.ifag.de
Without arguments, the command help prints a list of all commands and what they are used for. With a command
as an argument, a slightly longer description of what the command does, is printed. Syntax:
help [command]
help kick
This command can be used to get rid of some listeners, admins, or sources. A single connection may be kicked out as
well as all connections of a certain type matching a hostmask. Syntax:
kick <id>
kick <-acs> <hostmask>
kick <hostmask>
kick 314
kick -a *.com
kick *.badsource.com
This command displays a list of all connected listeners. The output can be restricted to those listeners matching a
specific hostmask. Syntax:
listeners [hostmask]
listeners *.ifag.de
Most commands on the admin console are restricted to NtripCaster operators. To obtain operator privileges, the
oper command with the NtripCaster operator password as argument can be used. Syntax:
oper <operator password>
The quit command is used to leave the NtripCaster admin console. This can only be used, when the console is
accessed through the remote interface (e.g. using telnet). An optional argument will be used as a signoff
message, e.g. displayed to other connected admins. Syntax:
quit [message]
This command can be used after changing parameters in the NtripCaster configuration file (ntripcast.conf or
sourcetable.dat). When used with an argument, it will understand this argument as a filename and parse this
as a configuration file. Syntax:
rehash [filename]
rehash /tmp/newrtcmast.conf
sources is used just like listeners to view all the connected sources. It can be used with an
argument to limit the list to only the sources matching the specified hostmask. It also accepts a large number of
options. By default the output is defined by the variable default_sourceopts. Syntax:
sources [hostmask] [-options]
The options are as follows:
i - Connection id
s - Socket descriptor
t - Time of connect
p - Connection ip
h - Hostname
c - Connection state
y - Source type
c - Number of clients
d - Dumpfile
r - Mountpoint priority
M - Source mountpoint
R - Bytes read
W - Show bytes written
C - Total client connects
T - Time connected
sources *.apan.com –aCW
This command is used without arguments. set will display a list of all NtripCaster variables and their
values. It can be used also to change any of those variables if the name is specified and the new value is entered
as arguments. Typing „help settings“ will give a short description of all the settings, and a longer description
for the settings is available here. Syntax:
set <variable name>
set <variable name> <new value>
set client_timeout
set max_clients 580
The stats command will print some information about the current number of connections, averages on client
connections, bytes read and written, etc. It looks a lot like the output available from the statistics file. As an
argument, „hourly“ or „daily“ can be put. Then the averages and totals for the last hour or day will be
printed. Syntax:
stats [hourly|daily]
The tail command can be issued by an administrator to display messages written to the log file. It's similar
to the unix tail command.
An admin can send a message to all other connected admins using the tell command. Any argument will be send
to all admins.
tell <message>
The uptime command is similar to the Unix uptime command. It prints the number of days, hours, minutes and
seconds the NtripCaster is up and running.
This command is used to list all connections, sources, admins, or clients. Syntax:
list [hostmask]
list *.toomanyarguments.com
To pull a stream from a remote server, the relay command should be used. Syntax:
-s: Use Ntrip2 TLS protocol (auto-enables option -2)
This command is used to display authorization users, mounts and groups. Syntax:
auth <groups|users|mounts>
auth groups
auth users
TLS - Hints and Tips
Please make sure that you have installed the OpenSSL development package.
The certificates are expected to be in directory /etc/ssl/certs. You can also put them in another
directory. In this case, when compiling the software, the directory for your certs must be specified explicitly.
configure --with-tls-certs-dir=</mycerts>
Certificates must be in individual files in .pem format. Each .pem file starts with a
line -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and ends with line -----END CERTIFICATE-----.
Certs from the certificate authorities (CA) should already be installed on your system. Nevertheless, it might
be necessary to split them in individual files, as mentioned above.
OpenSSL expects the certificates with hashed file names. These hashed file names consist of a hash
obtained from OpenSSL, with a numerical extension starting at 0.
openssl x509 -hash -noout -in <mycert.pem>
A more convenient Example, generating hashed links for all .pem files in your directory:
for file in *.pem;do ln -s "$file" "$(openssl x509 -hash -noout -in "$file")".0; done
You may also install certificates for specific servers. Please note, that such certs must be renewed after some
Here's a convenient way to get such a cert. Do not forget to split the resulting file with an editor in
individual .pem files: